Unlockd's Marketplace is your gateway to buying, selling, and bidding on RWAs.
From instant purchases to participating in auctions, this guide offers insights into exploring listings, understanding auction mechanics, and making informed decisions.
'Buy Now' tab
Discover a diverse array of assets in a marketplace format. Each listing provides essential details like the asset type name, token ID, and valuation.
Auctioned assets display the current bid and countdown.
Utilize filters and sorting options for an optimized browsing experience.
Here, you can instantly purchase assets, participate in auctions, or secure assets from liquidation sales.
The "Buy Now" button indicates the price for immediate acquisition.
Check the details of an asset in the 'Buy Now' tab
Clicking on an asset card (excluding buttons) in the Buy RWAs tab reveals in-depth details.
This section offers a comprehensive look at the RWA's attributes, bid history, and listing/auction specifics (valuation, highest bid, available borrowing amount, and auction timer).
It also provides straightforward options for bidding or immediate purchase.
Bid on Auctions or Instantly Buy RWAs in the 'Buy Now' tab
Screenshots in these guides are mock-ups and may differ from the live platform, particularly in text details. The Unlockd team regularly updates guides to reflect UX improvements.