Why is Unlockd different?

The next move in permissionless RWA liquidity.

Unlockd's innovative approach to RWA-backed lending focuses on four key areas that set up apart:

  • Take loans instantly with the only permissionless protocol in RWA Finance.

  • Enjoy AI for real-time asset appraisal and mathematically optimal loan rates.

  • Bundle up to 100 RWAs in the same loan for diversified risk and enhanced borrowing power.

  • Keep enjoying all the compliance adherence, custody and utility associated with owning your assets while deposited.

Permissionless, Simple & Instant

Unlockd revolutionizes the RWA lending market by prioritizing accessibility and simplicity, being the first permissionless protocol that allows instantly borrowing against real estate, luxury watches, collectibles, precious metals, gemstones, fine wine and financial assets.

  1. Ease of Access: Our platform eliminates complex verification processes, making it accessible to everyone and fostering a truly inclusive financial environment.

  2. Simplified User Experience: We have designed our interface to be intuitive, allowing users to easily navigate our lending options without unnecessary complications.

  3. Instant Loan Execution: Understanding the dynamic nature of the crypto market, Unlockd ensures immediate loan transactions. Once terms are accepted by the borrower, funds are quickly disbursed, empowering users to seize market opportunities promptly.

AI & Real-Time Risk Assessment for the Best LTV

At Unlockd, we integrate cutting-edge AI technology to redefine asset appraisal and risk assessment in RWA-backed lending:

  1. Advanced Collateral Appraisal: The key to our precise collateral valuation lies in our data providers' use of sophisticated machine learning algorithms. Unlike traditional methods that rely on floor prices, our approach assesses each asset individually, determining its true value based on a comprehensive analysis of market data and trends. This method ensures a more accurate, fair, and reliable appraisal of each asset.

  2. Dynamic LTV Determination: Our AI-driven system constantly analyzes data of liquidity, volatility and market depth, offering realistic and advantageous Loan-To-Value rates, benefiting both borrowers and lenders.

  3. Adaptive Risk Modeling: Our algorithms are tailored to adapt to market fluctuations in real-time, ensuring a balanced and secure lending platform by adjusting LTV rates in response to market trends.

Multi-Asset Collateral: Unprecedented Loan Flexibility

Unlockd introduces the ability to bundle multiple RWAs from various collections or types into a single loan. This unique approach offers several advantages:

  1. Enhanced Borrowing Power: By bundling diverse assets into one loan, borrowers can leverage a broader range of assets, increasing the overall loan value they can access.

  2. Risk Diversification: This bundling allows for a more balanced risk profile. By not relying on a single asset or asset type, borrowers can mitigate the impact of market fluctuations on individual assets.

  3. Simplified Management and Gas Efficiency: Managing one bundled loan instead of multiple individual loans streamlines the borrowing process, making it more user-friendly and extremely gas-efficient.

Full Custody with the Unlockd Account

Unlockd ensures that borrowers retain full custody and ownership of their collateralized assets through our innovative Unlockd Account technology. This feature allows users to remain the custodians of their assets, with Unlockd only intervening to prevent unauthorized transactions during active collateral periods.

  1. Custody Preservation: Unlike traditional lending platforms, which require you to forfeit control over your assets, Unlockd allows borrowers to maintain full custody. This means that while your assets are collateralized, you retain complete control and ownership, ensuring security and regulatory compliance.

  2. The Unlockd Account: The Unlockd Account is a unique shared wallet technology that securely holds assets as collateral while preventing unauthorized transfers. This approach ensures that borrowers continue to own and control their assets, aligning with compliance and KYC regulations by maintaining transparent and verifiable ownership.

Additionally, maintaining ownership rights enables users to access the full utility of their assets. This includes participating in token-gated events, on-chain activities, airdrops, and staking rewards, even while the assets serve as loan collateral.

Last updated